Jacqueline Williams

Jacqueline Williams was born in Lincoln in 1962. She attended Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology in 1982 before attending the Royal Academy Schools until 1988. She was elected as a member of the New English Art Club in 1993. In 1996 she was awarded the Critics Prize NEAC. 

Jacqueline draws her main inspiration from light, whether it's the intense rays of sunlight, the gentle dappling of natural light, or the cozy glow of lamplight. What truly captivates her is the challenge of capturing this luminosity, along with a particular mood of tranquility or stillness, especially in interior settings. Her studio serves as the focal point for most of her subjects.

Using predominantly oil on board primed with an acrylic/oil primer, or canvas laid on board, Jacqueline opts for practicality. This choice allows for easier transportation, as her works can be rolled up in a tube. She prefers to work directly from her subjects, finding it leads to more spontaneous and dynamic paintings. With little emphasis on preparatory drawing, she simply sketches in the composition before diving into the painting process.

Working on at least a dozen paintings simultaneously, Jacqueline enjoys exploring various aspects of her subjects, such as different compositions, lighting effects, and scales. This multifaceted approach adds depth and richness to her artistic exploration.