Jenny Wheatley

Jenny Wheatley's artistic approach is deeply rooted in her personal experiences and emotional responses to specific places and moments in her life. The emotive use of colour plays a central role in conveying her feelings and perceptions. Her creative process involves a combination of careful drawing, observation, and the collection of objects and ideas directly from the places she encounters.

Jenny's  method of working is characterized by her constant companionship with a sketchbook, allowing her to capture both visual and written observations of the places, people, moods, and atmospheres she encounters. Additionally, she engages with her surroundings by painting on location, using oil or watercolour to directly interact with the surfaces she portrays.

Once back in the studio, Jenny synthesizes her acquired knowledge and experiences to create composite paintings. These artworks, executed in Acrylic, oil, watercolor, or a combination of both, aim to encapsulate the essence of a mood, idea, or the simple joy inherent in the character and atmosphere of a place. Her use of color and composition serves as a means to guide the viewer through her emotional responses to landscapes, relationships, ideas, and environments.


Jenny's artistic footprint graces renowned platforms such as the Royal Academy, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour, Royal West of England Academy, and various London art fairs. She has not only been a finalist in several London art prize shows but has also exhibited globally, leaving an indelible mark on the international art scene. 

Jenny has travelled  to diverse landscapes, including Ladakh on a joint British/Indian army expedition in 1987 and a sponsored voyage across the Pacific in 1988, cataloging the transition from Polynesia to Melanesia. Jenny's accolades extend beyond exhibitions, as she was a distinguished art expert judge on two series of Channel 4's beloved Watercolour Challenge. 

Her works, intricate and emotive, reside in public and private collections worldwide, including those of the Queen Mother and the Queen. With solo shows annually since her graduation, Jenny Wheatley continues to enrich the art world with her profound talent and unwavering dedication.